
Quiet about MM

All the gossip magazines are very quiet about Mette-Marits potential pregnancy. I haven't found anything about it really. Until I read this article in danish BT.
Blandt mere lykkelige årsager til aflysninger har været graviditeter. I 2006 havde Mette-Marit svært ved at passe sit kongelige program, fordi hun ventede sig. Om det er forklaringen på gårsdagens aflysning, vides ikke. Men faktisk blev der under netop det svenske kronprinsbryllup spottet mave og gisnet om familieforøgelse.

In other words:
Among the more fortunate causes behind cancellations have been pregnancies. In 2006, Mette-Marit had a hard time to manage her royal program because she was pregnant. Whether this explains yesterday's cancellation, is not known. But actually, during the Swedish Crown Princess's wedding a belly was spotted suggesting a family increase.

(Sorry about the Google Translation, I changed it a bit to make it understandable.)

So could the press of the world unite, please, and write a lot about this so the norwegian royal court is forced to make an announcement!! It's about time.

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